
We utilize rate of change calculations to assist clients with assessing the challenges of employing the best of the best. Established in the early 70’s, our process incorporates ten to fifteen indices influencing opportunities, including BLS New Orders Durable, ISM Purchasing Manager Index (PMI), Quit Rate, Consumer Confidence, and Manufacturing Capacity. The results are published quarterly for your reference.

Trendicator® – June 23, 2023

The economy continues to present challenges in the world of job search. Growth rates continue to lag the previous year index, yet quit rates and unemployment rates are improving. Hopefully, the 3:12 ratio will see a return to its upward swing as the precursor to 12:12 positive swing sooner than later. Unfortunately, we don’t expect that to happen until early 2024. Job Seekers should benefit from a very competitive market and low unemployment rate; however, challenges remain!